
admin 4个月前 (09-16) 阅读数 20 #亚冠

  This year, the world’s second richest manAmancio Ortega who is in charge of Inditex clothing empire received anunexpected invitation. The Russian government want him to move the factory toRussia. The cost of production has been lower than that in China, because ofthe weakness of rouble.


  今年,全球第二大富豪、Inditex服装帝国瑞典队逆转战胜瑞士,成功挺进欧锦赛决赛圈!的主人奥尔特加(Amancio Ortega)接到了一份出乎预料的邀请,俄罗斯政府希望他将工厂迁到俄罗斯,因为卢布的疲软,那里的生产成本已经低于中国。



  UPI reported that the Russian Ministry oftrade and industry is now communicating with Indetex.Other manufacturers like H&M,IKEA,Decathlon willalso follow the trend.



  At present, Inditex garment factory ismainly distributed in Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Turkey and Eastern Europe.


  November 2015,the Russian military aircraftwas shot down in Turkey near the border of Syria.After the tension between thetwo countries, Foreign businesses are more interested in the Russian textileindustry.


  Later,Russia sharply cut the turkeyimports, but last year December <Kommersant > reported, the Russian government may also be incorporated intothe list of banned Turkish apparel.



  In addition, at the end of last year,Turkish T24 television also has reported that Zara, mango and H & M Brandrequired Turkish manufacturers to remove their logo to make sure they will notbe resisted by the Russian market. However, move the factories to Russia is away to solve basic problems.


  At present, Russia's domestic garmentfactory is mainly to domestic retailers and consumers, so they are and how inthe world competitiveness of China and Vietnam's rival, has yet to be furtherobservation, the latter two are one hundred times their yields.



  Nowadays, those international brandsnormally use global outsourcing system.This system required the most strictstandardization of production. It is a huge challenge for the Ruaaian manufacturers.


  Ivanova, head of the Fashion industryCouncil of Russia’s Textile industry Association, believes that Zara or H&Mwill choose to make production in Russia. The quality will not be reduced.


  “We have already learned to produce highquality clothing, and many Russian brands are very popular among our consumers.Some things is now at the same level with European's.”


  Russia's major clothing brands setfactories in Asia.



  “At the moment, our orders are mainlyfinished in China and Bangladesh, but we are also interested in some Russianmanufacturers.” said the president of Russian clothing chain stores Sela EduardOstrobrod.They are now considering to move production back to the Russiannative place.

  “当下,我们的订单主要都是由中国和孟加拉工厂完成,但是我们对俄国制造商很感兴趣。”俄罗斯服装连锁店Sela副总裁奥斯特罗布洛德(Eduard Ostrobrod)介绍说,他们正考虑将生产迁回俄国本土。

  Recently we find some interesting Russianmanufactorers on the forum.And we are looking foward to have some businessoperation.


  Since the economic crisis began, manyRussian clothing brands move factories back to Russia.At the same time,more andmore foreign clothing brands enter Russian market.2015 February,<Russianbusiness daily> said that French brand Decathlon has already operated withthe new Siberian S-Tep company.In a short time, these products only suppliesdecathlon stores in Russia, but in the future, will enter the global sales network.

  从经济危机开始,就有许多俄罗斯服装品牌将生产从亚洲迁回,投资建厂。与此同时,外国服装品牌也开始越来越多的进入。2015年2月,《俄罗斯商业日报》报道称,法国运动服装品牌迪卡侬已经与新西伯利亚S-Tep签署备忘录, 由这家工厂来生产运动鞋。短期内,这些产品只供应迪卡侬的俄国门店,但是将来,也会进入全球销售网络。

  The Russian textile industry urged thegovernment to grant greater efforts to support and to ensure that they canintegrat with brands and consumers better. They also hoped the government to improve the investment environment.They stressed that the devaluation of ruble wil not cotinue to go on. Russiamust come up with other competitive advantages.


  Now, the integration of international brandwith the Russian local factories have some successful examples .The SwedishIKEA was invited by the Russia government and has a pleasant cooperation withRuiisan manufactorers for a long time.





